Signing and children with Down syndrome

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

SIGNING & DOWN SYNDROME 8th & 22nd February 2023, 9.30 to 11.30am Over 300 signs covered over two, 2 hour sessions at our centre in Bingley


8th & 22nd February 2023, 9.30 to 11.30am 

Session 1 will cover why we use signing with children with Down syndrome and the signs for manners, animals, food, family and other people, and the alphabet.

Session 2  will cover signs for the home, school day, colours, descriptions, time/days, questions and connective/link words. Followed by a discussion on how behaviour can be addressed through introducing signing.

Both sessions will include practice of useful phrases and familiar children’s songs. A book “Signing and Down syndrome”, covering the signs in this course is available for £7.

COST: £80 per professional (£20 for second person from same school)

/£20 per family member.

TO BOOK VISIT: Training | Down Syndrome Training and Support Service Ltd (


Published: 12/01/2023
Audience: staff working with children and young people who have Down syndrome
Contact: Wendy Jane Uttley

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