New updated Portage Training from the National Portage Association (NPA)

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

New updated Portage Training from the National Portage Association (NPA) - “Portage Workshop: A Small Steps Approach to Learning for Children with SEND” 3 day course - 6th, 7th & 27th February, venue Farcliffe Children's Centre

Courses run by the Portage Team,  

Course to be booked via the skills4bradford website.  Under the Education Psychology Team - Course code - EDPHY-0123-T020


For information about the course content contact: Janine Wood:


Please click on the below link for the full flyer which shows all necessary information, with full address of the venue.

Attendance on all 3 days is required for this  course.


Portage workshop - amended dates and venue



Published: 10/01/2023
Audience: Early Years Practitioners, SENCOs & EYFS Teachers particularly those working in Day Nurseries
Contact: Heather Varo

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