Home Office Prevent Duty Guidance Consultation

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

We are reaching out to invite you to contribute your views to assist with the refreshing of the Prevent Duty Guidance (PDG), which is being led by the Home Office.

Dear All,


We are reaching out to invite you to contribute your views to assist with the refreshing of the Prevent Duty Guidance (PDG), which is being led by the Home Office. The PDG is for all statutory sectors who fall under the Prevent Duty, providing guidelines for what the Prevent Duty means in practice.


With the Independent Review of Prevent due to be published in the new year, the Home Office is reviewing the PDG to bring the guidance up to date, and to reflect the recommendations that will be announced to introduce improvements across Prevent.


As part of the process of updating the guidance, we also want to consult with statutory practitioners like you to receive your feedback on the PDG. We are partnering with Kantar Public, a social research agency, to conduct 1-to-1 online interviews to discuss your experiences with the PDG, to share redrafted guidance with you, and ask your views on it to inform any further changes.


If you would be interested in taking part, we kindly ask for you to complete this short questionnaire (https://horizons.confirmit.eu/wix/p140148095432.aspx) to give consent for your contact details to be passed on for this research project, and to also provide your views on the PDG as it currently stands. Your views are still valuable to us, even if you aren’t very familiar with the PDG. The survey will be open until the end of January 2023, with scheduling and interviews taking place between February and April 2023. The survey itself will take no more than 5 minutes to complete.


Thank you in advance for completing the survey and helping improve the PDG for all practitioners.


Kind regards,


The Prevent Team


Published: 05/01/2023
Audience: Head Teachers, DSLs, Teachers, Support Staff.
Contact: Assia Hussain

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