Schools Financial Value Standard Training Sessions

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

There are two training sessions available in January led by Bradford Council Internal Audit Team with the aim of explaining the process for both officers and governors and will include insight into the pitfalls and common errors made and how to avoid them. One session is for School Staff

and will be held face to face on Wednesday 18 January from 10.00am - 12 noon. It will be aimed at Business Managers, Finance Officers and Heads, to support them in their roles of confirming that their school has effective financial management procedures and practices in place, to ensure the optimal use of resources, be made aware of the deadlines and timetable of SFVS; the structure of the document (and associated documents); have greater understanding of the value of SFVS in clarifying their role and be made aware of other support available.

Governors could also choose to attend this session but there is also a webinar for governors on Tuesday 17 January from 6.00pm - 7.15 pm that will look at the governor role in completing the SFVS document. This will also be led by the internal audit team and will include time for questions and discussions. This session will be recorded and made available for 'on demand' streaming. 

To book either course please use the skills4bradford website or email



Published: 04/01/2023
Audience: Headteachers, Finance Officers, Business managers, Governors
Contact: Evelyn Haigh

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