SFVS Training for School Staff and Webinar for Governors

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

The Internal Audit team are running two sessions to assist maintained school staff and governors in completing the SFVS document. There will be a face to face session for school staff on Wednesday 18 January 10 am -12.00 noon and a webinar for governors on Tuesday 17 January from 6.00 pm - 7.15 pm.

The face to face session is currently booked for City Hall Bradford but the venue will be confirmed before the date. It will be led by Bradford Council Internal Audit staff and will support school officers in understanding the expectations of the SFVS process, explaining key questions on the checklist, taking the audience through the six areas of resource management requiring attention. The session will include insight into the pitfalls and common errors made and how to avoid them. It will be aimed at Business Managers, Finance Officers and Heads, to support them in their roles of confirming that their school has effective financial management procedures and practices in place, to ensure the optimal use of resources.

The governor webinar will also support governors in understanding the process and their role and will give governors an opportunity to ask questions and discuss issues. 

Bookings for both sessions can be made through www.skills4bradford.co.uk

The governor webinar will be recorded and made available on demand on the Skills4Bradford website. 



Published: 21/12/2022
Audience: Maintained School Headteachers, Business Managers, Finance Officers and Governors
Contact: Christina Low

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