Free financial education resources for primary schools

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Equip your pupils with essential life skills around financial education.

LifeSavers is a financial education programme for primary schools, giving children the knowledge, skills and attitudes to manage money well.

Research has shown habits around money are being formed by the age of 7 and just 5% of parents think that their children leave school with the skills needed to manage money well. Early intervention in financial education is key to developing positive behaviours and attitudes in relation to money. In an increasingly complex financial world, it is more important than ever to develop the financial capability of children from a young age, and to equip teachers and parents with the confidence and knowledge to engage children in learning about money.

Our values-based approach to financial education explores what it means to be wise, generous, just and thankful with our money, recognising that attitudes are as important as knowledge and skills in shaping financial behaviour.


To get your school involved with LifeSavers, contact Hayley - / 07958 772 742



Published: 21/12/2022
Audience: Head Teachers / Teachers
Contact: Hayley Coyne

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