Energy Bill updates

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Update on electricity & gas bills from the Councils Energy Team that have recently been received from Npower & Corona regards the YPO utilities contract.

Please find below some updated information on our Gas and Electricity YPO Billing. 


We recently had a meeting with YPO and Corona to Talk about how the Government CAP will be applied and how they will bill us from November to March. In short the unit rate on your invoices will change each month and will have a credit line on the invoices showing the Credit applied

This is due to how the flex contract works. Under the flex contract so much gas is bought in advance of the period (start of financial year) and so much is bought within period (over the financial year), this means that we are able to take advantage of any dips in the market which would then reduce overall costs.  However, this year we are all aware that the cost of gas has fluctuated increased dramatically.

This is just one of the factors affecting the overall price of gas on the flex contract.  YPO buy a certain amount of gas based on the sites that are in the contract, with the costs of gas and everything else increasing dramatically, the consumption of gas across the portfolio has fallen, this means that YPO are having to trade gas on a regular basis, this is a difficult tasks and very hard to predict, the reason that your rates will vary is due to this trading taking place.

At the end of each month YPO and Corona will calculate the actual cost of gas to be charged.  The Energy Relief scheme will then be calculated and the discount will be applied to your invoices.  The amount of relief will vary as the cost of gas will vary each month.

We have voiced direct with YPO our concerns about the changes and challenges we all are facing this year as it makes it extremely difficult to predict spending. We have asked YPO to put together a webinar especially designed for Schools to explain everything further and will update you with this as soon as possible.



You may be aware of the government help towards energy price increases in the form of capping on electricity unit rate. This cap would be different for each site and would appear as a credit line on your invoices.

I have received following information from Npower summarising the issues they are facing and are working to resolve it.

I will endeavour to keep you updated with any progress. Please feel free to contact myself or Npower on below details.


Yours Sincerely

The Energy Team


Flexible purchasing Error - Electricity

As a result of having to implement the government EBRS scheme our system developed a glitch and has incorrectly apportioned the reconciliation for Octobers bill (September consumption). It loaded the majority of the reconciliation against one site which has meant that the remaining sites have been undercharged, we are working closely with our IT partners to resolve this issue. Unfortunately, this will result in a credit and rebill for the September consumption period. All invoicing has been suppressed until further notice.

Please be assured it is only the reconciliation element of the invoice that is incorrect all other charges are correct.

This error should be rectified and revised bills sent out by the end of next week, we will try to release Septembers and then leave a few days before releasing Octobers to allow Bradford/the sites to process one month at a time.

Should you have any further queries about how this will impact you please let us know.


Terrijo Finney

Senior Customer Relationship Manager



Published: 01/12/2022
Audience: Schools on YPO utilities contract
Contact: Michael Saunders Greenaway

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