Early Years Professional Development Programme

To be completed by:

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The pre-reception EYPDP is funded by the Department for Education (including funding available for practitioners’ time to take part). Priority will be given to applications from schools and settings that meet certain criteria.

Early Years Professional Development Programme

What is the training programme’s purpose? 

The programme will offer specific in-depth training for up to 10,000 early years professionals from all participating Local Authorities in England over a 2 year period.  There will be staggered start dates across the 2023\25 period with a total of four cohorts, the first of which is due to start in February 2023. The EYPDP offers a comprehensive package of professional development that is based on as well as building upon practitioners’ skills and knowledge with peers and expert trainers to improve the quality of adult-child interactions.

The programme provides support for practitioners to:

  • Improve skills to identify children at risk of speech, language and communication needs
  • Provide an understanding of the theory of child development in early mathematics
  • Develop skills to support children’s self-confidence, relationships, and self-awareness through expertly developed Personal, Social and Emotional Development training 
  • Improve engagement with parents and carers to support the home learning environment

Find out more and register your interest, either through the website https://www.earlyyearspdp.com/ 

or email phillippa.degnan@bradford.gov.uk 


Published: 23/11/2022
Audience: Headteachers, Early Years Leaders, Nursery Teachers, Private, Voluntary and independent early years
Contact: Phillippa Degnan

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