Proposal to lower the age range at Wilsden Primary School to 3 years old.

To be completed by: Mon 12 Dec 2022

Time: -Mon 12 Dec 2022 | Venue:

Please see the attached information which details our plans to change the lower age limit to 3 years from April 2023. We would welcome any comments and encourage any interested parties to make contact or speak to school.

Consultation on the proposed lowering of the age range to include 3 and 4 year olds at Wilsden Primary School.

The Board of Directors of Focus-Trust are consulting around a proposal to lower the age range of Wilsden Primary School as outlined below.

Age range 3&4-year-old 30 hour extended entitlement

Number of places: 30fte

Anticipated opening date: 1st April 2023

Location: Wilsden Primary School

In accordance with the DFE’s guidance Making significant changes to an open academy, Making significant changes to an open academy ( we are writing on behalf of Wilsden Primary School to consult with you on the proposal.

The consultation process will begin on Monday 14th  November 2022 and continues until Monday 12th December 2022 (a 4 week consultation)

Please send any comments on our proposals to  by Monday 12th  December at 4pm or use this link for your feedback:

Alternatively, post to Nursery Consultation, Wilsden Primary School, Tweedy Street, Wilsden, Bradford, BD15 0AE

We look forward to receiving your comments.

Proposal for lowering the age range at Wilsden Primary School to include children aged 3 and 4 years

Background information

Up to December 2022, Wilsden has had sufficient provision for children aged 2, 3 and 4 years as there has been Wilsden Village Nursery, an Independent Nursery, operating in the village. Wilsden Village Nursery have published their intention to close at the end of the autumn term 2022 and there will be a lack of group based early years provision for children aged 2, 3 and 4 from January 2023. Wilsden Primary School has recently lowered the Published Admission Number from 60 to 30 which has created a space within school where we would very much like to site nursery provision.

We entered into discussions about a year ago with Wilsden Village Nursery to operate in our building but this has not been possible. Following the closure of the Nursery, we feel strongly that the plan to have our own Nursery will not only strengthen the existing transition we can offer to the children who start in Reception at Wilsden Primary School, but it will also provide the necessary group provision for 3 and 4 year olds which will be missing from January 2023.

What are we proposing and where?

Wilsden Primary School and Focus-Trust is proposing to lower the age range of Wilsden Primary School to enable the school to provide early years entitlement 15 or 30 hours places for 3 and 4 year olds.

The primary reason to propose this change is that the local preschool closed leaving the local community without access to group based early years’ provision. The nearest group-based provision is in Harden which is 1.5 miles away.

Why are we undertaking a Statutory Consultation?

Before Wilsden Primary School and Focus-Trust can make changes there is a process that must be followed. Whenever proposals to make a change to the age range of a school are made, all interested parties who are likely to be affected by the proposals must be consulted in the development of the proposals.

We are commencing a four week consultation phase which will run from 14th November to 12th December 2022.

When are we proposing the change?


Notices published:  (Consultation period begins)  14th  November 2022

4 week Consultation period:  14th November 2022 to 12th December 2022

Report to Focus-Trust Board to consider the outcome of consultation and statutory notices and determine proposals: Tuesday 13th December 2022

Proposed implementation date: 1st April 2023


Published: 14/11/2022
Audience: Headteachers and leaders of Bradford Schools and education provision, including EYFS provision, with
Contact: Elizabeth Davison

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