7 year consultation for Dixons Manningham and Dixons Marchbank academies

To be completed by: Wed 16 Nov 2022

Time: -Wed 16 Nov 2022 | Venue:

Dixons Academies Trust are consulting on the admissions arrangements for Dixons Manningham & Dixons Marchbank academies.

This consultation is required in line with paragraph 1.45 of the School Admissions Code, which states that admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements at least once every 7 years, even if there have been no changes during that period.

Full details of the consultation can be viewed at https://www.dixonsat.com/news/consultation-on-admissions-arrangements

We would appreciate it if schools would share this link with the parents of children who attend their schools.

If schools prefer to receive paper copies of the consultation document to circulate to parents, please contact the Trust Admissions Office on 01274 089780 – option 7, to advise how many copies your school requires.

The closing date for the consultation is Friday 23 December 2022.


Published: 14/11/2022
Audience: Head teachers, admission authorities, academy trusts
Contact: Admissions Office

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