Achieving the Online Safety Mark in Primary schools - 24 Nov/19 Jan/4 May

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Paul Scott is delivering this 3 day course to support DSLs with making a full review of their present Online Safety provision using the Online Safety Review tool, action planning ways to improve their present provision and highlighting a pathway to achieving the OFSTED recognised Online Safety Mark.

The latest version of ‘Keeping children safe in education’ (KCSiE) Statutory guidance for schools and colleges clearly states that continued importance for schools to have effective Online Safety policies and processes in place as part of a schools Safeguarding provision.

It also states that ‘The designated safeguarding lead should take lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection (including Online Safety). This should be explicit in the role holder’s job description.’

In order for a DSL to take on this responsibility and ensure the school has an effective Online Safety provision KCSiE also states that school should ‘consider carrying out an annual review of their approach to Online Safety’ and refer to the free ‘Online Safety Review tool’ ( to achieve this.

Our 3 day course ‘Achieving the Online Safety Mark’ supports DSLs with making a full review of their present Online Safety provision using the Online Safety Review tool, action planning ways to improve their present provision and highlighting a pathway to achieving the OFSTED recognised ‘Online Safety Mark’.

We strongly suggest DSLs attend this course so they have the knowledge and skills to achieve this aspect of their role.

Outcomes of the 3 days are:

  • Understanding the risks relating to Online Safety in a Primary school setting and identify roles and responsibilities within the staff at your school
  • Evaluate your school’s Online Safety provision using the SWGfL 360 degree online safety audit tool
  • Reviewing your present provision with regard to data security, physical security, passwords, connectivity, filtering, monitoring and Wi-Fi
  • Design and delivery of an appropriate Online Safety curriculum utilising a range of free curriculum resources

Dates (3 day course)

24 Nov 2022 - 9:30-15:00
19 Jan 2023 - 9:30-15:00
04 May 2023 - 9:30-15:00


The Innovation Centre Bradford, Bradford Digital Exchange, 34 Peckover Street, Bradford, BD1 5BD

Booking Information

This face to face training is delivered at the Innovation Centre and the cost of this 3 day training course is £525 (£450 for Curriculum Innovation subscribing schools) which includes a light lunch and refreshments. 

To find out more and to book your place click here.


Published: 08/11/2022
Audience: Designated Safeguarding Leads
Contact: Sarah Hawkins

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