Portage Workshop: A Small Steps Approach to Learning for Child with SEND

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

This workshop should be booked via www.skills4bradford.co.uk

Please see attached flyer/userfiles/file/Flyer(3).docx

We are please to announce we have dates for the Portage Workshop :  A Small Steps Approach to Learning for Children with SEND

  • Monday 30 January 2023 - 09.15 - 15.00
  • Tuesday 31 January 2023 - 09.15 - 15.00
  • Monday 27 February 2023 - 09.15 - 13.00

Attendance on all 3 days is required for this course.




Published: 03/11/2022
Audience: All
Contact: Karen Bickerton

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