Connect The Classroom - extra webinar for Technicians/Tech support 9 Nov

To be completed by:

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The DfE are hosting a meeting aimed at school tech support providers/technicians about the Connect The Classroom initiative. Please encourage a member of your technical staff or a representative from your tech support provider to attend so that you can support you to access the funding available.

Details of the initiative are below.

  • DfE grant funded initiative, open to all schools in Priority Investment Areas, and those schools with an Ofsted report of “Inadequate” or “Requires Improvement” in Education Investment Areas. Bradford is included in both of these areas.
  • It is a condition-based grant that funds schools to upgrade (and sometimes extend to full site coverage if not already) their wireless network across the site. It also funds associated Wi-Fi work such as replacing switches and, in some cases, network cabling. The grant covers the full cost of work.
  • The solution must comply with the DfE Output Specification.
  • The school is the procurement agent and so has to comply with their own procurement rules e.g. 3 quotes, and the contract is owned and managed by them with their chosen supplier.
  • Schools will be asked to submit a proforma “Network Assessment Form” to assess the extent of their eligibility, and a standardised Quote from them provided by their preferred supplier.
  • The preferred solution and costs will be evaluated by the DfE Connect the Classroom team before approval.

If you are a technical support provider for Bradford schools then we recommend you attend this session so that you can support the Bradford schools you work with to successfully access the funding available.

Please join the information Webinar: Wednesday 9th November 2022 14:00-15:00. No need to book a place, simply join using the instructions below.

Microsoft Teams meeting

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Meeting ID: 329 119 300 248
Passcode: jVDXTj

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Published: 01/11/2022
Audience: School Network Managers, Technicians and Tech Support Providers
Contact: Sarah Hawkins

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