Could YOUR school lead the way...? "Shared Spaces" Research Project

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

We would like to invite you to take part in an exciting research project ( that is exploring the things that influence how young people make friends and who they make friends with.

What does the project involve?

The project will involve asking 14-18 years to complete a 30 minute online (or paper) survey three times during Autumn 2022 – Spring 2023 school year.

They will be given a £10 Amazon voucher for each survey they complete.


What are you being asked to do?

We would like access to your school on to carry out the surveys with Year 10/11/12 pupils. We are an experienced team of DBS checked researchers from Bristol University and University College Dublin who have worked with schools and young people across the UK on various projects.

We are happy to discuss how to make this work best for you. The project is designed to have minimal disruption.


Why should we take part?

We believe that schools and young people play a vital role in pushing forward agendas for more peaceful societies.

Our aim is to make a difference to social cohesion strategies in Bradford and we hope that by taking part in the project, your school will help us to achieve that.

All schools who take part will be provided with bespoke summaries of the research findings which will detail the nature of the friendships that young people in Bradford have and how supported they feel to interact with people from different ethnic groups within Bradford. We hope that this will inform agendas within the City and support young people as they develop into global citizens.


We will also provide you with renumeration of up to £500 to thank you for your support with the project.



Get in touch with us at and we can arrange a meeting to provide further information.


You can also visit the Shared Spaces project website here:




Published: 20/10/2022
Audience: Secondary/Sixth Form: Head Teachers, Assistant Head, Heads of Year, PSHE Leads
Contact: Barry Cusack

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