Onwards & upwards
Secondary school provision for children with Down syndrome – expectations matter
Monday 28th November 2022, 9am to 12.30pm
The Pamela Sunter Centre,
Down Syndrome Training & Support Service,
Bingley, BD16 4JH
- Expectations matter – how do we see people with Down syndrome? What is it?
- Health needs that may impact on education and development
- What is the vision? Where does someone with Down syndrome belong?
- The learning profile of a person with Down syndrome. Strengths and weaknesses in the classroom
- Strategies to help with communication, speech, literacy & numeracy
- Qualifications – what are we working towards?
- Tackling behaviour – including sexuality relationships education
- Progression beyond school – a little about college, supported internships, employment
This is a free training day aimed at teaching staff working with children and young people who have Down syndrome.
The Down Syndrome Bill, currently under consultation, calls for:
- Children with Down syndrome to be recognised as a unique group of people who need specific provision
- Mandatory specialist training for staff in mainstream and special schools settings and for the whole school community delivered by specialists in Down syndrome.
TO BOOK: Please visit the training page on our website:
Training | Down Syndrome Training and Support Service Ltd (downsyndromebradford.com) or contact our office
office@downsyndromebradford.co.uk 01274 561308.
Places are FREE but booking is essential