Warm Spaces across the district this winter

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Bradford Council is pulling together a network or warm spaces for people to use this winter. Below is some information you may wish to share with your families about the initiative.

Warm Spaces across the district this winter

The rise in the cost of living means keeping warm this winter will be a challenge for lots of people across our district.

That’s why Bradford Council is working with organisations to make sure there are places across the district where people can go, free of charge, and spend time in a warm, friendly, comfortable space, perhaps enjoy a hot drink and chat or just sit and read or study.

Search here to find your nearest Warm Space https://costoflivingbradford.co.uk/warm-spaces/

Learn more https://www.bradford.gov.uk/browse-all-news/press-releases/warm-spaces-planned-for-bradford-district/



Published: 14/10/2022
Audience: All
Contact: Rebecca Smith

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