Parenting Support Programme for Dads/Stepdads of children 0-19

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Programme that aims to enable dads to increase confidence in their parenting

Time Out For Dads - parenting programme for Dads/Step dads of Children 0-19

Programme aim: This is an evidence based programme that aims to enable dads to increase confidence in their parenting; learn how to develop the dad/child relationship now and for the future and work out strategies for dealing with anger and conflict. It will also give dads an opportunity to meet other dads and share experiences in a supportive and encouraging environment.

Sessions: 2 hour sessions weekly over 5 weeks

What the sessions cover:

  • Parenting goals, the impact of our own fathers and aspirations of being a dad.
  • Children's temperaments and needs along with building emotional security.
  • The importance of time and family life. The power of words and recognising children's feelings.
  • Discipline and setting boundaries. Different parenting styles and positive parenting.
  • The importance for time for yourself, letting off steam and handling conflict.

To request a referral form, please e-mail:

More information regarding other parenting courses delived by our Family Hubs in Bradford available here.


Published: 12/10/2022
Audience: School Health Service, Health visiting and school nursing service, School Teachers, Social Workers
Contact: Jurata Reed

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