School Cohort Deprivation Domicile Report Available (IMT Traded Service)

To be completed by:

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We have published a deprivation report that schools who subscribe to the IMT Traded Service can download from our Skills4Bradford Resource area.

You can download and use this report to obtain  view of your cohort in relation to the 2019 English indices of deprivation.  For all of your pupils on roll at the given census point (in this instance we have used the May 2022 census), their home postcode has been aligned to a Lower Super Output Area (LSOA), which is then aligned to a decile for each domain of deprivation.  The report shows the percentage split across the deciles for each domain.

To download the report please visit:  Welcome to IMT - Schools Performance Data | Skills 4 Bradford and log in

It still isn't too late to buy into our Traded Service for 2022/23!  We are working on developing the support we provide not just around the analysis of data, but in the quality assurance of your data during the census and summer assessment periods.  If you would like to subscribe, please visit IMT Schools Data SLA 22/23 | Skills 4 Bradford, or contact and a member of the team will be in touch.


Published: 07/10/2022
Audience: All
Contact: IMT Data Team

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