Takeover Challenge 2022

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

This year’s Takeover is on the 21 October 2022. Get Involved! Offer a place or take part in Takeover.

What is Takeover Challenge? Takeover Challenge is a day long event where children and young people ‘takeover’ a role in the workplace. This helps young people get a taste of a working environment and may show them what type of career they will enjoy.

This year’s Takeover is on the 21 October 2022. Get Involved! Offer a place or take part in Takeover.

It’s a wonderful opportunity to get a head start and give organisations a new perspective on the future.

With Bradford being one of the youngest districts it is a prime target for our Takeover Challenge.

Contact us at takeoverchallenge@bradford.gov.uk



Published: 03/10/2022
Audience: All schools
Contact: Take Over Challenge

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