Exclusion and suspension from school

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Reminder - Written notification is required to be sent to Social Workers when a pupil is suspended or excluded if they have one and also to the virtual school Head teacher if the pupil is look after.

From September 2022 whenever a headteacher suspends or permanently excludes a pupil they must, without delay, after their decision, also notify the social worker, if a pupil has one, and the VSH, if the pupil is a LAC, of the period of the suspension or permanent exclusion and the reason(s) for it.

The information in paragraphs 65 to 68 of the Suspension and Permanent Exclusion from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England, including pupil movement Guidance for maintained schools, academies, and pupil referral units in England (2022) must be provided in writing to the local authority.

To support schools to discharge their duty to notify the local authority’s Social Workers and Virtual School please send a copy of the notification letter to parents to the Social Worker and the Virtual School if the child is looked after. This has been added to the model letters on BSO as a reminder.


Published: 30/09/2022
Audience: Headteachers
Contact: Karen Roper

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