Henry Healthy Families Parenting Programme

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

The Henry Healthy Families Programme aims to provide parents with the skills, knowledge and confidence to give babies and young children a healthy start in life.

The Henry Group Parenting Programme is for parents/carers of children aged 0-5 and covers the following themes accross 8 weeks:

  • How to juggle life with young children so you all get what you need.
  • How to respond to children's needs without giving in to all their demands.
  • Positive mealtime tips for a happy family - reducing mealtime stress for everyone.
  • Ideas for active play to help children learn, develop and stay happy.
  • Food groups, food labels, portion sizes for under 5s, first foods, and snack swaps.
  • Understanding and managing your child's behaviour for a happier home.
  • Feeling more confident as a parent

Groups are arranged to take place either face to face or online in each family hub every term.

Please contact the families local family hub to make a referral. Parents can also self refer. 




Published: 30/09/2022
Audience: Parental Involvement/Safeguarding/Pastoral/SEN
Contact: Adele Carr

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