Free Computing Support from an NCCE Subject Matter Expert

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

All Bradford schools can access three and a half hours of in-school Computing support from a National Centre for Computing Education Subject Matter Expert. The funding for this support was originally scheduled to run until July 2022 but has now been extended until March 2023.

Bradford Council's Curriculum Innovation consultants Tim Bleazard and Paul Scott are Subject Matter Experts working for the NCCE. If you would like to take advantage of this free support please email

See below for details of how the three and a half hours is typically used.

The first part of the session is used for writing an action plan, including:

  • An overview of the school’s current position looking at curriculum, devices, remote learning platform, staff confidence and experience in teaching Computing
  • Identifying priorities for the development of Computing in school

We also share what the NCCE can provide:

  • The NCCE training offer including bursaries, face-to-face, remote and online learning, and shorter training sessions
  • The NCCE curriculum including progression, assessment, glossary and resources explaining pedagogy. Please note that the school does not have to follow the NCCE curriculum for the support to be effective
  • A look at other free resources available to schools for teaching Digital Literacy and Computer Science including early years.
  • Sharing information about nationally recognised qualifications such as the Primary Certificate in Computing and the Computing Quality Framework. 

The rest of the time can be used to help the school work toward the priorities identified in the action plan.


Published: 26/09/2022
Audience: Primary school computing leads
Contact: Tim Bleazard

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