Perspective Lite – KS2 AAT Data Imported

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

All schools who are subscribed to the IMT Traded Service can now view the 2022 KS2 checking DfE data in Perspective Lite

We have imported the data from ASP, and this is  available to view in your Reports and Insights modules in Perspective Lite.


If you have any problems accessing or viewing this data, please do not hesitate to contact us at in the first instance and we will be in touch as soon as possible.


It is not too late to subscribe to our Traded Service and access the wide and intuitive range of reporting and analysis available via the Perspective Lite platform!


Please visit our Skills 4 Bradford page and check out the 22/23 IMT SLA:  IMT Schools Data SLA 22/23 | Skills 4 Bradford


Published: 23/09/2022
Audience: Assessment Leads; Perspective Lite Lead Users
Contact: IMT Data Team

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