Health & Social Care Careers Fair

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Health and Social Care Careers Fair will be held on Tuesday 11th October at Student Central at the University of Bradford.

Event: Health & Social Care Career’s Fair

Date & Time: Tuesday 11th October (10 – 11AM (limited quiet hour), 11:15AM – 12:45PM, 1 – 2:30PM, and 3 – 5PM)

Venue: Student Central at the University of Bradford


To be able to book on the event you must register on the SkillsHouse CTE Portal, once registered you will  receive an email to confirm registration and then are able to access the portal to book students onto the event.

The link for registration:

Skills Month is an opportunity in October for students in Bradford District to explore careers across a range of different sectors. This is the first year that Health & Social Care are participating! The careers fair will be open to secondary school, further and higher education students from across the district to promote career opportunities in the Health & Social Care and MediTech sectors. Students and young people will be able to discuss careers information with professionals and participate in interactive demos that demonstrate the variety of work within the sector. The event will highlight the educational pathways and explain the skills needed to pursue different careers in Health & Social Care.

This is a great opportunity for students to explore what it would be like to be a part of the Health & Social Care workforce of tomorrow!

There will be a range of job roles showcased at the fair, including:

  • Social Care
  • Nursing
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Midwifery
  • Pharmacy
  • Medical Technology

Other parts of the fair include Q&A panels with local apprentices working in the sector and tours of the DHEZ building on the university campus featuring the optometry and physiotherapy clinics. Please see the SkillsHouse portal to register onto each activity individually – places are limited so signups will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you would like any further information please contact


Published: 22/09/2022
Audience: Secondary, Post-16, Careers Leads, HSC Educators
Contact: Dorothy Shepherd

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