Bank Holiday Arrangements for Monday 19 September 2022

To be completed by:

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Monday 19th September 2022 has been declared an additional bank holiday for the State Funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We are now officially in a period of National Mourning in the UK which will last until, the date of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s State funeral.

Additional Bank Holiday 19th September 2022 Arrangements

As the nation comes together to mark this sad occasion, we have provided some guidance below as to how schools should manage the additional bank holiday.

School Closures

The Department for Education (DfE) have confirmed that schools will be closed on the 19th September 2022, the official date of the State Funeral. This will be a bank holiday and settings that are normally closed on bank holidays should close on this day as a mark of respect.

Although the DfE advised that private nurseries, childminders and pre-schools do not have to close for the Queen’s Funeral and it is up to individual settings whether they open on the day, all CBMDC education settings will close and for MATs/Academies who follow Bradford Council’s / NJC Terms and Conditions, they will also need to close.

Reduction in number of term dates for 2022-23

All staff employed in schools will not be required to work on that day and the DfE have confirmed that the 2022-23 academic year will be reduced from 190 to 189 days.

Teaching and All Year Round Employed Associate (non-teaching)

Employees Pay will not be affected by the additional school closure day and all staff will be given time off; thereby reducing their term working days from 190 to 189 for the 2022-23 academic year.

Associate (non-teaching) Time-time only contracted Employees

In accordance with the NJC Terms and Conditions “Green Book” Part 4.12 Para 13.2, the number of days TTO employees will work in the school will be driven by the number of days’ schools are open, so in 2022-23 this will be reduced from 190 to 189 and for those staff who are contracted to work on a Monday, no pay adjustment will be required as the employee will not be working that day.

For employees who do not work a Monday, schools will need to allocate those employees an extra day’s leave during the 2022-23 academic year. The allocation of the extra day’s leave means that there is no requirement to change the TTO payment.

National Period of Mourning

During the national mourning period normal attendance at work is expected. Any request for time off other than the day of the funeral should be requested in accordance with the School’s Leave of Absence Policy. If you are a PACT HR customer, please refer to PACT HR’s Leave of Absence and Time of Work Policy.

Support for employees

For some employees this event will be extremely difficult and upsetting. For support and guidance on bereavement, please refer to the Bereavement booklet produced by the Employee Health and Wellbeing Unit at Bradford Council which is attached to this Briefing Note. Further information If you are a PACT HR Customer, you can gain further advice from your designated HRBP.

Useful links:

Government Guidance on Bank Holiday Arrangements

Bereavement Booklet



Published: 20/09/2022
Audience: Headteachers, School Business Managers, School Administrators
Contact: Rhiannon Howden

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