Teachers' Pension Scheme Indexation Issue - Updated Briefing Note

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Further to the briefing note published on 24th February 2022 on Bradford Schools Online in relation to the indexation of teachers’ pensions, we are now in a position to provide a further update on this issue.

We have produced a further briefing note following on from the Teachers’ Pension Scheme Advisory Board meeting that took place on 16th June 2022 and the Council's position on this matter for maintained schools, where the Council is the employer. 

Where the Council is not the employer, i.e. for voluntary aided schools and academies, the attached briefing note may be of some use in aiding your approach to this issue at this time.

Should you have any queries, please speak to your HR contact.



Published: 21/07/2022
Audience: Headteachers, Chairs of Governors, School Business Managers
Contact: Rhiannon Howden

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