Available now in Perspective Lite - Early NCER National Data

To be completed by:

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From mid-June onwards the Real Time Data Dashboards, Reports and Analysis in Perspective Lite show emerging school, local authority regional and NCER National data for EYFS, Phonics, KS1 & KS2

View Real Time Data, Reports or Analysis in Perspective Lite by selecting “LA Services” in the top tool bar > then selecting “Real Time Data", "Reports" or "Analysis” > you can then select which key stage/report you would like to view.

NCER National data are the earliest and most reliable national benchmark data available.   152 local authorities in England load school attainment data into NCER systems during the assessment period. This provides powerful and robust early benchmarks which schools can view via Perspective Lite. NCER results have been a reliable source of early data for LAs and schools when compared to DfE National data for many years. 


If you have subscribed to the IMT SLA for 22/23, your Perspective ite account wil; be fully activated and you will be able to view everything that the platform has to offer.  Please contact us at IMTDataTeam@bradford.gov.uk if you need any help or support with getting what you need.


If you have yet to subscribe, it isn't too late!  Please visit our Skills 4 Bradford page to purchase: IMT Schools Data SLA 22/23 | Skills 4 Bradford



Published: 29/06/2022
Audience: Data Leads; Assessment Leads; Perspective Lite Users & Lead Users; Primary Head Teachers
Contact: IMT Data Team

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