Music - Service Level Agreements - Academic Year 2022-2023

To be completed by: Fri 29 Apr 2022

Time: -Fri 29 Apr 2022 | Venue:

REMINDER - To secure your music requirements for the academic year 2022-2023 please return the SLA individually sent to each school by 29 April 2022. If you require this information re-emailing please ring - 01274 434970 or email

Dear Headteacher


Following the publication of the National Plan for Music Education (which is available to view via BSO) the Government’s expectation is that every child will have the opportunity to learn to play an instrument AND sing regularly. The Music & Arts Service has developed several highly subsidised packages to allow all schools to participate in such schemes – these can be tailored to meet each school’s individual needs – with the packages also comes access to Charanga (online music tool) and opportunities to participate in ensembles/large performances.


Over the next academic year the Bradford Music Education Hub hopes to work with you to ensure all children have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument.


In order to simplify the booking system for schools, if you wish to renew your current music provision please complete, sign and return the attached Service Level Agreement by Friday 29 April 2022 (if applicable).


If you wish to change your current provision or book a new provision please telephone:

Debbie Bellwood, Business Manager - 01274 435014

Carl White, Head of Music & Arts Service - 01274 435022

Felicity French, Assistant Head, Ensembles - 01274 435020

Fiona Park, Assistant Head, Music Curriculum – 01274 435023


For all other queries please telephone the general office on 01274 434970


If applicable please discuss your requirements for instruments for 2022-2023 with your current instrumental teacher and advise of any changes required for your pupil count in September (If you do not have their direct number please ring 01274 434970 and they will inform your teacher to contact you).


The following documents can also be found on our website at


  • Small Group – Instrumental & Vocal Teaching information
  • Curriculum and CPD Support Information
  • Information on Whole Class Ensemble Teaching packages (First Access)
  • Music Provision Booking form
  • Pupil Premium information
  • Academic Year Schedule


In order to keep our records up to date for the annual music data return if you are not accessing a Whole Class Ensemble Teaching package (First Access/Key Stage 2 Scheme) through ourselves then please complete and return the attached reply slip.


Schools participating in our Whole Class Ensemble Teaching Schemes agree to:


  • Ensure the same class teacher/teaching assistant is available to participate in the delivery of the lesson each week. This provides a CPD opportunity for this member of staff


  • Be committed to the scheme and encourage the children to participate fully and provide appropriate pupil information regarding additional needs to enable full inclusion.
  • Order instruments prior to the term starting (during the summer term)
  • Provide appropriate storage for the instruments
  • Ensure any instruments provided by the school are suitable for the purpose of the scheme
  • Take responsibility for instruments provided by the Music Service. Optional insurance is available via the instrument supplier (Windstruments).
  • Provide class lists (UPN) for all pupils taking part in your Whole Class Ensemble Teaching Scheme and year 2, 3 and 4 continuation as entered/shown on management information system.  Information on how to do this will be issued at a later date.
  • Offer third/fourth year continuation
  • Should recorders/keyboards be the required discipline then the school should purchase their own recorders/keyboards and an appropriate reduction will be made to the standard package cost.

    Music Audits – As schools have found these visits particularly helpful we will be continuing with the music audits in 2022-2023. If you require an early visit please contact Debbie Bellwood on 01274 435014 and one will be scheduled for you, or tick the box on the reply slip.

    Academy Conversion – if your school is planning to change to academy/free school status in the 2022-2023 academic year please advise the service as soon as possible.  Any signed agreements will automatically move to the new academy/free school but we do require a date of the change in order to ensure the school is invoiced in the correct name.

    Yours sincerely

    Carl White
    Head of Music & Arts Service

    Please note there is no guarantee of receiving the same day/time for your provision if you have any specific requests please note this down on the SLA and we will do our best to accommodate.



Published: 27/04/2022
Audience: Music Co-Ordinators, Heads of Music, Headteacher, Finance
Contact: Music & Arts Service

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