Seeking primary schools to take part in a free EEF maths and science study

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

State funded primary schools in Bradford are being invited to take part in a study testing a new maths and science programme called ‘Stop and Think’. The study is being funded by the Education Endowment Foundation and will run during the next academic year (2022-2023).

Stop and Think uses quizzes and games to help pupils learn counterintuitive concepts. In a previous study, pupils who used the programme had higher attainment in science (+2 months progress) and in maths (+ 1 months progress).

To find out more click here.

How to sign up

Interested schools can sign up by:

  1. Emailing or,
  2. Clicking here to book in a 15-minute phone call to discuss the project.


Published: 21/04/2022
Audience: State funded primary schools
Contact: Sarah Hawkins

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