GET READY for Gadgeteers Summer Reading Challenge 2022 - Starts 9th July

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Get ready to become a Gadgeteer with the Summer Reading Challenge 2022! Look out for information on how your school can participate in the 2022 Summer Reading Challenge. Teachers why not sign up to receiving information directly with Bradford Libraries.

For information; events and the summer programme to support the Summer Reading Challenge join the contact list with Development Officer for Children and Young People. You will receive posters; school assembly ppt; flyers; information and can order Summer Reading Challenge incentives samples. We can support your school to register for library tickets; organise pre-summer class visits and help you get your pupils participating in the national Challenge. All children who complete the Challenge to read six books receive a certificate and medal! The research undertaken by the Reading Agency has shown that children who do the Summer Reading Challenge are more likely to read for pleasure and their reading levels are maintained throughout the Summer. 


Look forward to hearing from you. All schools can be Summer Reading Challenge schools. 




Published: 05/04/2022
Audience: Head Teachers; Primary Teachers; Literacy Leads
Contact: Christinea Donnelly

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