The basics of Character Design Workshop with illustrator Matt Walker

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

A fun and interactive art workshop exploring the fundamental principles of good character design for children's drawing/story boards and animation. Suitable for Y4, Y5 or Y6. Great for developing story-writing and story character development.

Illustrator Matt Walker will guide the children through thinking about character development when drawing their characters for story telling. Matt specialises in visual development, character design and background art for animation; videogames and children's books. 

Sessions are available for one class of 30 children from either Y4; Y5 or Y6. Free to schools and risk assessed. 

The sessions are: 

The basics of Character Design Workshop Tuesday 3rd May 10am - 11am City Library

The basics of Character Design Workshop Tuesday 10th May 10am - 11am Manningham Library

The basics of Character Design Workshop Tuesday 10th May 1.15pm - 2.15pm Bingley Library 


If you are interested in booking a session please email Development Officer for Children and Young People by Friday 8th April.  Please give year group; no. of children; contact name; phone number and email and name of school. 


Published: 04/04/2022
Audience: Head Teachers; Primary Teachers; Art Teachers/Lead for Primary
Contact: Christinea Donnelly

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