Assessment in EYFS - Free Early Years CPD

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Bradford Birth to 19 has been re-commissioned by the Bradford Opportunity Area to provide training and support to Early Years settings.

Recognising the profound impact of the pandemic on Bradford’s youngest children, we will be planning and delivering training to support settings, children and families during this period of recovery.

Assessment in EYFS - One course run over 2 sessions - Hosted by Cavendish Primary School

Session 1 - 28th April 2022, 1pm-3pm, Using assessment

Session 2 - 20th May 2022, 1pm-3pm, Accurate assessment

The aim of these two sessions is to support teachers with collecting and using their assessment data to inform their practice.

Session 1 - how to use your assessment information to identify areas of development that will allow your children to make progress in time to meet end of year expectations.

Session 2 - how to ensure your end of year data is an accurate reflection of your children before EYFSP submission.

Who should attend: EY Practitioners

To book your place please click here

Maximum of 26 attendees so please book early to avoid disappointment.



Published: 31/03/2022
Audience: EY Practitioners
Contact: Abigail Traynor

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