Primary Predictions 2021/22 *Reminder*

To be completed by: Fri 20 May 2022

Time: -Fri 20 May 2022 | Venue:

Thank you to all schools who have submitted their predictions. We haven't had a sufficient level of response to share at this point, and are encouraging schools to submit / revise their predictions by the final deadline of Friday 20th May 2022.

We are replicating the collection exercise for the current academic year in preparation for the summer assessment period.  To enter your predictions, please:


  • Log into BSO
  • Click on the Utilities Section
  • Click on the Primary Predictions button (see below)
  • Enter the numbers of children for each Primary Key Stage (please do not enter the percentages – these will be calculated)
  • The red section captures the number (not percentage) of pupils in the cohort and the numbers of pupils predicted to achieve the expected standard in the assessment split by gender.  The system automatically calculates percentages to help you sense check the information being provided (see below).
  • The green section is just for those pupils that are eligible for Pupil Premium (FSM6, Looked After or Adopted from Care) and included in the DfE’s Disadvantaged pupil grouping.  Please include the Disadvantaged pupils in the overall figures reported in the red section as this is the overall 2021/22 prediction for your school.
  • Press Submit when you have finished


You can update the information as regularly as you like as your predictions might change over time. Please ensure that you press the ‘Submit’ button at the end of each Key Stage to ensure that the data for your school is saved each time you make an update.


We would encourage schools to make additional submissions of predictions data by the final deadline of 20 May 2022. 


We will make the aggregate predictions data available to schools following the May deadline depending on the number of submissions we receive.


If you have any queries, please email in the first instance.



Published: 25/03/2022
Audience: Primary Headteachers and senior leaders, data managers, Early Years, KS1 and KS2 leads
Contact: Pam Cresswell

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