Parents Online - support for parent and carer's mental health

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As a practitioner in education, you will appreciate that if parents and carers feel supported with their own mental health, they are in turn better placed to support their child.

As a practitioner in education, you will appreciate that if parents and carers feel supported with their own mental health, they are in turn better placed to support their child. As an ex-teacher of 16 years myself, I know how important parental engagement is to the education and development of each child.

Parents Online was developed in light of the struggles of families during the pandemic. Through our research we found that those parents that struggled with their mental health during this period were not receiving the help that they needed in a timely manner. Parents Online was therefore developed as an online chat platform to offer mental health support specifically to parents and carers. Our volunteers are all parents themselves and have lived experience of parenting struggles. They are fully trained peer support workers who can offer a confidential listening ear as well as supporting and signposting to other relevant services. You can help to distribute information about this vital service to parents and carers during these challenging times.

Parents Online is a digital chat platform that is accessed through our website at It is currently available 5 nights a week Monday-Friday (6pm-9pm). This could be a life-saver for any parent/carer who is feeling in crisis. It is a completely confidential and anonymous service. Please see below for some of the fantastic feedback we have received so far from users of this service:

‘Honestly thank you so much, this has already made me feel better just sharing this with someone. Just knowing this service is here is reassuring’

‘Thanks. I'll follow up on that through the recommendations you've kindly provided. Thank you very much for listening and pointing me in the right direction.’

‘This has made me feel that little bit less alone’

Please get in touch with if you’d like to discuss this service any further. We are always working towards supporting parental mental health and are happy to discuss how we can best support your school or organisation further.

Parent's Online Flyer



Published: 24/03/2022
Audience: All practitioners
Contact: Noreen Kazmi

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