Annual Music Data Return for Arts Council/DfE

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Please be reminded about the Data Return form relating to the 2021-22 Annual Music Data Return for Arts Council/DfE which captures music provision which is going on around the Bradford district.

Please return this information by Wednesday 6 April 2022.


Please note this is different to the Music Buy Back which was sent out to all primary schools in February – the Music Buy Back  is due back by Friday 29 April 2022 to secure any music provision you require in the academic year 2022-23. Please note secondary school Music Buy back will be with schools over the next few days.


Published: 16/03/2022
Audience: music teachers, primary teachers, secondary teachers, school, headteachers, music coordinators, musi
Contact: Scho

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