Free creative workshops for Cliffe Castle kite and Banner Festival

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Cliffe Castle are holding a Kite and Banner festival this summer and are working with ICLS to create banners with young people on the themes of Identity (KS 1&2 and SEND) and Your LGBTQ+ Heroes (KS 3&4).

Cliffe Castle are holding a Kite and Banner festival this summer and are working with ICLS to create banners with young people on the themes of Identity (KS 1&2) and Your LGBTQ+ Heroes (KS 3&4). We want to celebrate the diversity of Keighley, promoting respect and acceptance in a fun, creative way and are inviting local schools to take part. We are offering free creative workshops with a visual artist, who will work with school groups creating artwork that will be made into printed banners. These will be exhibited in the cafe at Cliffe Castle for visitors to enjoy.

Identity  KS1 & 2 and SEND

We will look at who you are, your likes and dislikes, your values, your family and what makes you unique as a person. Using collage and print techniques, each young person will create an image which will be photographed and included on a printed banner for the festival this summer.

This can take place with a school class over a morning or afternoon session in your school setting.

Your LGBTQ+ Heroes KS3 & 4

Over 2 sessions, small groups will look at LGBTQ+ identities as a subject, taking inspiration from the recent Sew Keighley Pride flag created over lockdown 2021. Each student will research a person, organisation or idea related to the themes of the flag and create an image using print and collage which will be photographed and included on a printed banner.
This is ideal for an LGBTQ+ group, after school or tutor group and can take place over 2 sessions in your school setting.

How do we get involved?

Please email Sophie on to have a conversation about setting up sessions in your school in the Summer Term.
This project is fully funded by Keighley Area Committee and BMDC


Published: 15/03/2022
Audience: Keighley wide Heads, Heads of Year, LGBTQ group coordinators
Contact: Sophie Powell

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