Education Partnerships Team - WYHCP Young Carers Action Day 2022

To be completed by:

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“We’re here for you”


“We’re here for you”

This year's campaign focuses on taking action on the isolation experienced by young carers and young adult carers. The West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership campaign and resources have been coproduced with Wakefield Young Carers Youth Forum. Thank You! West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership is committed to supporting young carers and use Young Carers Action Day 2022 to raise awareness of young carers and the people, services, systems across West Yorkshire and let young carers know “We’re here for you”

Please find below the link to the WYHCP Young Carers Action Day 2022 campaign and resources.





Published: 14/03/2022
Audience: Secondary Schools, Primary Schools, Head teachers, SLT, Admin, Business Managers,
Contact: Fatimah Hussain

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