FREE - Coding Club

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At Code Club, we think all children should have the opportunity to learn to code, no matter who they are or where they come from. We work with a global community of volunteers, educators, and partners to run free coding clubs, where 9- to 13-year-olds can learn to be creative with code.

Code Club provides FREE, fun step-by-step project guides that help young people to make their own games, animations, and websites with code. As well as allowing young coders to develop their digital skills, these projects give them the opportunity to explore ideas that are important to them and develop soft skills like problem solving and teamwork.

The Code Club projects introduce coding concepts one by one so young people progressively build their knowledge in Scratch, HTML and CSS, and Python. Adults running a club don’t need to be experienced coders. Many volunteers and educators in our community enjoy learning to code alongside their club members. Club organisers and volunteers can access lots of useful resources, such as downloadable certificates and posters. Our team provides help and support through online workshops, community events, and an online help desk.


What does a Code Club look like?


Code Clubs are designed to be easy to run and flexible to suit your school’s needs.

A typical club:

? Runs for an hour a week during term time outside formal teaching (for example, during lunchtime, after school, or as a breakfast club)

? Is hosted by an educator, sometimes with the support of a volunteer

? Supports 10 to 15 children to learn to code

? Runs using an internet connection with the existing hardware at your venue, for example Chromebooks, laptops, or tablets

Code Clubs are fun, informal spaces outside of the normal school day. Clubs are inclusive for young coders of all levels of experience, allowing each child to work at their own pace.


How do I get involved?


? Identify your club leader and a safeguarding sponsor at your school

? Register at and share if you need a volunteer to support your club

? Download club resources from your dashboard and have a go at the projects

Get in touch with our friendly team at for support, advice or more information.

We are happy to run an online getting started session for your group of schools.


Published: 10/03/2022
Audience: schools, head teachers, IT teachers, Primary schools
Contact: Tamasin Greenough Graham

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