To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

For your information

Curriculum information:

  • Education Hub blog.
    • Advice and resources from the DfE for teachers regarding the invasion of Ukraine.
  • BBC resources
  • Save the Children
  • The Guardian


If your pupils are keen to make cash donations to charity, please ensure that thorough research has been done to ensure the charity acts properly and is a registered charity.  It may be best to stick to national/international charity organisations such as:

Schools may be asked to be involved in the collection of other items. It is perhaps worth noting that several charities have suggested that other, nearer countries are better placed for collection and delivery of clothing etc. at this time, so donations of money are probably better and quicker.




Published: 09/03/2022
Audience: For the attention of Headteachers
Contact: Ann Galloway

This item has been viewed 1183 times.