Working in Woodlands CPD

To be completed by: 12:00

Time: Tue 29 Mar 2022 09:30-12:00 | Venue: Hirst Wood, Shipley

A morning walk talk and discussion with Ed Brightman, Assistant Tree & Woodland Manager CBMDC. covering: CBMDC approach to risk assessment Woodland management objectives Impact of Forest School activities Invasive species, pest and diseases.

Bradford Council’s Assistant Tree and Woodland Manager, Ed Brightman will lead us on a morning walk and talk around Saltaire’s beautiful Hirst Wood – a popular Forest School site. It will comprise information and discussions around different aspects of working in woodlands (including in Bradford Council’s woodlands) covering:

  • Bradford council approach to Tree Risk Assessment – Key signs/symptoms
  • Woodland management objectives – Certified Woodland status (UKWAS)
  • Impact of Forest School activities (open discussion)
  • Invasive Species, pest and diseases – Biosecurity – what we can do.

Whilst Ed’s focus will be on the Council’s woodlands, this session will be of interest and use to anyone working in a woodland and/or involved in woodland management.

Ed Brightman – Assistant Tree and Woodland Manager CBMDC. Since studying Environmental Science at the University of Leeds, Ed’s roles have covered outdoor education, countryside management, habitat restoration and woodland management. He has worked for B(TCV), local authorities, National Trust, Natural England  and now for Bradford Council.


(Please note that you can become a full member immediately. Just book a member’s ticket, fill out the online form on the website & pay your membership fees).

NB: Please note that you attend this event at your own risk. It is not an official/formal event organised by Bradford Council and so their insurance does not cover the walk.

Follow the link to buy tickets: Working in Woodlands CPD 



Published: 01/03/2022
Audience: Forest Schools Practitioners & Assistants, Outdoor Educators,
Contact: Bradford Forest Schools Network

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