Cullingworth Village Primary School - limited access to emails

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

From Monday 17th January, staff at Cullingworth Village Primary School will have limited access to email for several days. Please contact the school on 01274 648490 if urgent. Thank you.

Important message about contact with school next week

We are expecting extensive disruption to all our IT systems next week as we are migrating to a new cloud-based system. We will have no internet or access to our emails for at least the first few days of the week – and possibly longer. If you need to contact us urgently, please ring us on 01535 273839.

We are expecting an increased number of phone calls so if you don’t get through straight away, please leave a message and we’ll respond to you as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this period of disruption.


Published: 17/01/2022
Audience: General public, parents, carers, other schools and local community
Contact: Nikki Hardaker

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