NCCE Primary programming and algorithms CPD - 20 Jan 09:30-15:00

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

Tim Bleazard is delivering this face to face CPD at The Innovation Centre Bradford. Delegates will discover engaging ways to help children use computational thinking and to develop their knowledge of how technology works, and the skills to make computers follow instructions in simple programs.

Programming and algorithms are fundamental to the primary computing curriculum. Algorithms are clear and unambiguous instructions to solve problems which can often be translated using a programming language for a computer to follow. By thinking computationally, children can harness the power of computers to extend their capabilities.

Teachers may wish to attend Teaching and leading KS1 or KS2 computing before participating in this CPD

During this one-day professional development, you will discover engaging and effective ways to help children use computational thinking. You will be equipped to develop their knowledge of how technology works, and the skills to make computers follow instructions in simple programs. A range of approaches will be explored, including ‘unplugged’ activities that require no computer and multimedia activities that allow creativity and promote widespread engagement.

The professional development will highlight the differences and commonalities across KS1 and 2, helping all primary teachers to plan for age-appropriate learning while developing an understanding of progression through computing.

This course is delivered as part of the National Centre for Computing Education.

What topics are covered?

  • 01 | Essential Algorithm & Programming Knowledge apply computational thinking and help children to do the same. Recognise and describe algorithms using formal and informal language. Develop techniques to improve the resilience and persistence of children in the classroom.
  • 02 | Algorithms and algorithmic evaluation in KS1 consider the expectations of learners in terms of designing and implementing simple sequences of instructions on digital devices. Develop their debugging and evaluation skills to support independent learning.
  • 03 | Sequence and repetition in KS2 apply evidence-based teaching approaches to build children’s understanding of sequences and loops in programs.
  • 04 | Selection & Variables in KS2 gain experience and knowledge of programming projects that use variables and in which instructions branch depending on conditions. Relate these to unplugged algorithms to aid understanding.

Bursaries are available - to book your place visit Primary programming and algorithms - face to face | STEM



Published: 02/12/2021
Audience: Any primary teacher or senior leader interested in teaching computing.
Contact: Sarah Hawkins

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