1 Day Emergency First Aid

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

This 1 day Emergency First Aid Course equips you with the necessary skills to take charge and deal with an emergency, and prevent situations from becoming worse until help arrives.

The Emergency First Aid Certificate is valid for three years and needs to be renewed by attending the 1 Day Emergency First Aid course. It is the responsibility of the individual and/or their manager to ensure that this requirement is complied with. 


 Session highlights: 


  • Aims of First Aid 
  • Priorities of treatment 
  • Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation - Adult and Child
  • Unconscious patient 
  • Wounds/bleeding/shock 
  • Burns and scalds
  • Recording Incidents and First Aid Action 


Target audience:  People who need to understand basic emergency first aid. 

In the 3rd year the individual will need to attend the full 1 Day Emergency First Aid course if they wish to maintain their certificate.


Please note: You must arrive at the venue for 9.30 at the latest, you must also stay the full duration of the course as it is a HSE requirement that you have undertaken 6 Hours training prior to taking the assessment. If you arrive after this time you will not be allowed onto the course and may be charged the full cost.


New Dates:- 6th December 2021, 14th January 2022, 4th Febraury 2022, 15th March 2022


Link to website:- https://bradford-external.sabacloud.com  




Published: 26/11/2021
Audience: People who need to understand basic emergency first aid.
Contact: Evolve Team

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