Project Development, Bid Writing, Contract Management

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

The Project Development, Bid Writing, Contract Management Workshops offer delegates the opportunity to obtain tools to develop funding strategies, gain practical hands-on experience of grant sourcing, bid writing and contract management.

The Course is divided into 3 half day modules. Each module will develop your understanding and build your confidence to design the carefully planned and highly effective projects needed to attract the funding to deliver them

The full course costs £105.00 + VAT (PACT HR schools get a 20% Discount when booking online).

On completing each module, you will gain access to a Drop Box folder, which holds a wealth of templates, advice and ideas. The information is designed to help you develop realistic and effective projects that will significantly increase your chances of success.

Module 1: PROJECT DEVELOPMENT - Friday 3rd December 2021 from 8.15am to 1.00pm

Module 2: FUNDING SEARCH & BID WRITING - Friday 4th February2022 from 8.15am to 1.00pm

Module 3: CONTRACT MANAGEMENT & LEGAL STRUCTURES - Friday 13th May 2022 from 8.15am to 1.00pm

The course is run from Bradford City Hall, Banqueting Suite.

Arrival at 8.15am for refreshments and the course begins promptly at 8.30am.


To learn more please download the Project Development, Bid Writing, Contract Management leaflet

To book a place on the Project Development & Funding workshop please click here.


Published: 04/11/2021
Audience: Headteachers, School Business Managers, Funding Managers
Contact: Darren Starkey

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