NEW Secondary School Campaign ‘Ditch the Distraction’

To be completed by: Mon 04 Jan 2021

Time: -Mon 04 Jan 2021 | Venue:

Aimed specifically at teenage pedestrians, through street art positioned at exit points in secondary school grounds.

A new West Yorkshire safety campaign ‘Ditch the Distraction’ is being launched in Bradford to keep school pupils safe on the roads. The campaign a runner-up in Government Awards for community safety, get its message across through street art strategically positioned at exit points in secondary school grounds. Aimed specifically at teenage pedestrians, it is designed to encourage them to adjust their behaviour and ‘Ditch the Distraction’ - mobiles, headphones and i-pods when crossing the road. Urging young people walking near the road or cycling to keep their mobile phones and headphones in their pocket or bag until they are in a place where they can use it safely. There is no charge to schools for the Artwork and the installation will be carried out free of charge by the Road Safety Team. The Artwork is not permanent and is designed to fade over time, examples can be found by following the link to the application form below.

For more information on the campaign or to order the Artwork for your school please contact Tel: 01274 437409 or fill out the following form 'Ditch It' Application


Published: 22/10/2021
Audience: All Secondary School Staff, Year 7 Heads, Secondary School Head Teachers
Contact: Road Safety Team

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