Paired Reading - Free Training Course

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

All school staff MUST book on to our courses via the following website:

This training will be delivered via MS Teams and is a half day course running from 9am to 12 noon on the following dates:

25th January 2022

26th January 2022

27th January 2022

It is anticipated that lockdown will have had a negative impact on the reading level of some children due to lack of opportunities / missed learning; This will disproportionately affect children living in poverty or with little parental support. Engaging parents, other children and support staff in a low intensity, high impact intervention is a cost effective way of improving children’s literacy and enjoyment of reading.

Paired Reading is an evidenced based programme that demonstrates significant gains in reading fluency, comprehension and enjoyment. It. It provides a great opportunity to boost children’s reading by harnessing more fluent readers (including other children, siblings and parents) to provide frequent enjoyable reading sessions. Evidence indicates that Paired Reading can also help with encouraging children to read for pleasure and enhances their ability to take meaning and enjoyment from texts.

This program of training and monitoring will be offered free to Bradford schools as part of the district’s COVID recovery plans. Training and monitoring can be organised and delivered at your convenience. We will cover both the practical elements of paired reading and some of the wider theory and pedagogy around the approach, which can then be further adapted and used in work with children and young people.

All school staff MUST book on to our courses via the following website: 


  • Please enter into your browser if the web link doesn’t work first time.
  • Please open to full screen and click on Training and Events.
  • Filter the “Provider”(on the left hand side of the page) to Educational Psychology and Search
  • Choose the training from the list of courses.


Published: 20/10/2021
Audience: All
Contact: Angela King

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