Prevent Training - protecting people from radicalisation.

To be completed by:

Time: - | Venue:

City of Bradford MDC Prevent Team are offering four training updates to ensure that schools are able to meet their Prevent statutory duty in accordance with Ofsted requirements. This includes the changing risk from Mixed Unclear and Unstable Ideologies and the changing face of right wing extremism

Tuesday 5 October 13 30 - 15 00 


Introduction to Prevent




This session will introduce all members of staff to

  • the aims of Prevent
  • national and local risk
  • how people can become vulnerable to extremist narratives
  • when and how to ask for help
  • identify areas of the curriculum can promote positive values

Eventbrite Link



To meet the requirements of the Prevent Duty with regard to effective safeguarding and resilience building to extremist narratives.


To take appropriate and timely action when you believe a person is being radicalised or vulnerable to radicalisation.

Wednesday 6 October 13 00 - 15 00

Prevent Train the Trainer

DSL's / Senior Leaders



To equip DSL’s to deliver Introduction to Prevent Training within their own setting. This enables settings to offer refresher training to staff and deliver Introduction to Prevent training as part of the induction programme for new staff.


Content includes:

Planning and delivering Introduction to Prevent training.

Principles of Prevent.

Local and National Risk



Eventbrite Link



To have knowledge and understanding to effectively plan and deliver Prevent training to all staff within an education setting.


To meet the requirements of the Prevent Duty with regard to effective safeguarding and resilience building to extremist narratives.


To ensure effective, appropriate and timely action is taken to support pupils vulnerable to radicalisation.


 Tuesday 12 October 13 30 - 14 30

The changing face of right wing extremism.



This session will update participants in the current risks posed by alt right and extremist right wing narratives, including,

  • The changing face of right wing extremism
  • The use of online technologies by right wing extremists
  • Symbolism, including fashion
  • Conspiracy theory

Eventbrite Link

  • To identify and recognise the risk from right wing ideologies shared online
  • To minimise the impact of right wing ideologies within your setting


Wednesday 13 October 13 30 - 14 30 

Mixed Unclear and Unstable Ideologies




to update staff on new levels of risk under the heading of MUUI in order to identify and support those who may be vulnerable to such influences and ideologies

Focussing on

  • School Massacre
  • Incel
  • Extremist Satanism / O9A

Eventbrite Link

  • To identify and recognise risk from MUUI ideologies online
  • To minimise the impact of these ideologies within your setting
  • To provide support for students who may be vulnerable to these ideologies.


Published: 30/09/2021
Audience: Safeguarding Leads / Pastoral Leads
Contact: Geraldine Cooper

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