Army Resilience Event

To be completed by: Fri 15 Oct 2021 15:30

Time: Mon 04 Oct 2021 08:30-Fri 15 Oct 2021 15:30 | Venue: At your school

Teaching young people about resilience, essential life skill which is transferrable in all occupation/career/day to day.

We have a number of events planned around the theme of ‘Resilience’ that we’re delivering, during the period of 4th-15th October This will mainly be targeted at the year 9-11 (Secondary).

We can tailor around individual school needs, however as a sample, we plan to include:

  • A presentation from an experienced serving Soldier, about their story in the Army, what challenges they’ve faced, and the resilience they have needed to overcome obstacles etc. Included will be information on the various career paths in the Army.
  • A Q&A session with pupils who might want to know more about a future career in the Army, and careers information.
  • Have our Outreach Team present with an equipment stand and possibly a some interactive activities, maybe on a ‘round robin’ basis with groups of pupils.

Due to the need to book the personnel, we need to get the events in the diary by 21st September (next Tuesday).

Please contact Ian Cox for more information/booking -



Published: 17/09/2021
Audience: Year 9-11 (Secondary)
Contact: Ian Cox

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