Music Data Return - Academic Year 2020-21

To be completed by: Fri 11 Jun 2021

Time: -Fri 11 Jun 2021 | Venue:

Please ensure you complete your return by 11 June 2021



Private & Confidential

Department of Children’s Services

Aiming High for Children


Music & Arts Service

21 Market Street


West Yorkshire

BD18 3QD


Tel: 01274 434 970





Dear Headteacher/Music Co-ordinator or Head of Music




Annually we are asked to collate information across the Bradford MDC to return to Arts Council England, all information is then fed through to the DfE in order that a more accurate picture can be formed of music across the whole country.


We hope you will be able to support this information-gathering exercise by providing information about pupils receiving musical opportunities in your school. Please find attached the data form which I would be grateful if you could complete as fully as possible.


Tab 1 – Whole Class Ensemble Teaching (WCET) – data is required for pupils taking part in both schemes taught by the Music & Arts Service, by school staff and by external providers contracted by the school (not vocal).  (This section is only applicable to the primary sector).


Tab 2/3 – please provide this information if you as a school deliver or contract an outside agency.  Any ensembles/groups which you have booked directly with the Music & Arts Service do NOT need including as we already hold this information.


Tab 4 - Would you also complete the small group/individual pupil level information, if known, for your pupils including those who play but may not be in one of your ensembles. (this is needed for your pupils only taught by yourselves or external providers NOT Music & Arts Service staff).


Just a reminder that the information is required for this academic year 2020-2021.  Arts Council England have requested a true picture of delivery during 2020-2021 so please do not be concerned if your reported provision is less than you would ordinarily report.


In the unlikely event it is a “nil” return for your school please indicate this also on the form so that we can show the reason in our records.


All pupil data is anonymous when sent to Arts Council.  The data provided to ourselves is used to track pupil progress and their musical pathways throughout their school life.


Please complete the data collection required NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, 11 JUNE 2021 for inclusion in the 2020-2021 data collection for Bradford MDC. 


Please note: The Model Music Curriculum: KS1-3 (March 21) states:

In Years 3 or 4, it is recommended that each class should start a Whole Class Instrumental Programme lasting a minimum of one term. The mandatory term will be supported by teachers from the local Music Education Hub.  Opportunities for development should continue beyond the mandatory term. 


If you currently do not have a whole class ensemble teaching (WCET) scheme and would like details of this scheme, which we can heavily subsidise, please contact Debbie Bellwood on 01274 435014 who will be happy to discuss options to suit your school.


Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


Yours sincerely




Carl White

Head of Music & Arts Service






Published: 08/06/2021
Audience: Headteachers, Music Co-ordinators, Heads of Music, School Business Manager

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