To be completed by: Mon 31 May 2021

Time: -Mon 31 May 2021 | Venue:

Please find the linked documentation containing information regarding the subscriptions which are now due for the Educational Visits essential support and Evolve access for your school.

It is important you understand your legal duties and those of your employer; Bradford Council when organising any educational visit which starts as soon as you step outside the school gates with a group of students.  Whether this is a geography field trip, orienteering, swimming lessons, a visit to a theme park, a walk to the local museum, park or simply litter picking in the local community.

Please read this documentation carefully and as a maintained school ensure you visit Skills 4 Bradford website to subscribe for this current Financial year.

As a local authority school if you DO NOT subscribe to the service then this means you are not able to take any young people out on educational visits and you will need to sign the OE Disclaimer Form and return this to us.

If you require any further information please email



Published: 30/04/2021
Audience: Headteachers and Educational Visit Co-ordinators (EVCs) - Maintained Schools
Contact: Catherine Halliwell

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